Tuesday 13 March 2012

Aprokries, Greek Mardi Grass

Apokries is carnival time for the Greeks. It is a celebration of all ages, a tradition which lasts for three weeks before the start of Lent. It is a period  of dressing up and having fun, as the participants enter the world of fantasy. The big carnivals are usually held in Patras, Crete and Moschato. We were advised not to go to Patras at this time for 'security reasons'.

So we went to Moschato instead. Moschato is a district in the southern part of Athens. In previous years, the carnivals in Moschato was a big affair, with colorful parades and costumes. This year however, there was no parade. I asked those present why, and they said, " because of the crisis", and "no money".

There was a simple program and the children all dressed up together with their families tried to enjoy themselves. What impressed me was the smiles and the laughter, oblivious of the prevailing financial difficulty in Greece.

The Mayor reportedly invited performers for the pleasure of the children who participated in the games.

My friend and I had a great time, just looking at the children with their mothers & relatives having fun!

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