Wednesday 28 November 2012


It was a sunny morning when we set out for a 1 1/2 hour drive to the Port of Arkitsa north of Athens. Destination: Thermae Sylla Spa located at the coast of the city of Edipsos. Reportedly one of 10 best thermal spas in the world, according to Conde Nast Traveler, the Thermae Sylla Spa is a 5-star wellness hotel equipped with two water pools and offers a variety of services.

It was was an easy drive along the national highway , Lamia to the Port of Arkitsa. It took me a little over one hour to drive the 151km distance from Athens. There were several cars also travelling along the paved road at much faster speed than the allowed 100-120 km/hr. I kept to the 100-120 km  for safety and comfort. 

The ferry was big, able to carry more than 50 vehicles. It was smaller than the ferry which took us to the three islands of Aegina, Poros and Hydra. But like the ferries we have been to in Greece, it was comfortable and clean. We reached the city of Edipsos in about 40minutes.

The port of Edipsos was quiet, with only a few passengers since it was no longer summer. As we drove away from the port, I noticed the boardwalk was lined up with tavernas and coffee shops. But most of them were empty. I think most of the customers were locals having their usual coffee breaks. We reached the hotel after a few misses since it was our first trip to the city. 

We were able to check in quickly. The lady at the reception was cheerful and spoke good English. We didn't have any difficulty communicating also with the bell boy and the other personnel in the spas. And the lady doctor who had to see all clients before they would go to the spa was gorgeous!

The Thermae Sylla Spa is indeed world class. The standard room we got had a view of the sea  with the sun rising on our side. There were two water pools, one outdoor and another indoor. And there was a turkish bath and sauna bath which one could avail of. There was an underground subway leading to the spas which one could use whenever it rains. 

The massage was a bit expensive but all worth it. And surprise, the masseurs were males! It was our first time to have a male masseur. The supervisor told us that the customers, male and female, wanted the strength of a male masseur. Oh, well, it was a unique experience. 

Photos above show the indoor pool. The temperature was about 34C and hydro massage and jacuzzis would alternate. There was no limit to the use of the pool but we were advised not to stay for more than 25 minutes at a time.

We had a great time at the wellness hotel. The service was excellent and we had a relaxing, enjoyable weekend.



Monday 29 October 2012

Loutraki, Greece

Two days ago, my friend and I went to Loutraki, 65 kms west of Athens to try the casino reportedly the biggest here in Greece. The sky cleared, after raining daily for the past week. We left our flat at around 3pm and arrived at the Club Hotel Casino at around half past 4pm. It was an easy drive at 100-120kph on cemented roads stopping momentarily in three toll gates, the first two charging 2.80 euros the last one charging 3.20 euros. Very expensive if converted  to Philippine peso. But it is worth the cost as one travels without traffic to one's destination.We passed through tunnels built under the mountains, very impressive indeed. 

At the Club Hotel, we were greeted by courteous Greek personnel at the Reception who spoke good English. After checking our reservation, we were given a room assignment and information about the facilities of the hotel.

The seaside view room is really modern and comfortable with a good view of the sea and the mountain as advertised. After changing, we immediately went to the garden and the beach to get a better view of the area. I was impressed by the olive trees which are over one thousand years old. The manager told us that these were transplanted from an olive grove in the Corinth area. The oldest was the olive tree found infront of the casino. 

                                          Olive trees over a thousand years old

                                          2000 years old olive tree

We spent the evening at the spa with complete facilities such as the Turkish bath and sauna bath, swimming pool and jacuzzi.After dinner, we tried our luck at the casino slot machines.Most of the players were Greeks and other tourists. We saw a Filipino couple on our way back to our room. 

                                          The Lobby, at the end is the Casino

                            the spa

We checked out at 12noon and drove for another 18 kms to see the Vouliagmeni lake. I drove through  long and winding roads along the mountainside. I have never driven going to Baguio and here I was braving the sometimes uphill and at times downhill long and winding road. Thank God I passed the test with flying colors. 

                                          Vouliagmeni Lake in Loutraki

Loutraki is just one of the beautiful idyllic sites in Greece. It was a restful weekend. And I hope to be able to visit most, if not all of the tourist spots before we leave for another post. 



Tuesday 4 September 2012

Graduations of Filipino students in Philippine Schools

This summer, four Philippine schools held graduation exercises for students in the kindergarten and high school levels. What impressed me most was the feeling of joy and pride of the parents as they pinned medals on their children. Most of the schools had only a few graduates. But there were several categories of medals: best in English, most cooperative, most creative, best in Math, etc.

As the Consul General, my friend delivered encouraging remarks for the students and the schools.

Filipino families wherever they are live full, happy lives. They work hard to give their children the education that will enable them to survive on their own later in life.

Tuesday 3 July 2012


The Philippine embassy in Athens and the Filipino community celebrated the 114th Anniversary of Philippine Independence on June 12,2012. The event is marked not only in the Philippines but also in other countries where Filipinos live and work.


The Philippine Embassy and the Filipino community in Greece kicked off the series of events with an Independence Day parade at the Zappeion grounds led by Ambassador Meynardo LB Montealegre and embassy staff.The parade was also participated in by 34 various Filipino organizations in Filipino traditional attires and students from the Philippine schools.

The whole-day affair consisted of cultural presentations by the various Filipino organizations and schools,Philippine traditional games, talent search and raffle. One could feel the camaraderie, happiness and joy among the overseas Filipino workers, their families and friends. Among the audience were Greek and other foreign nationals who were invited by the participants.

It was my first time to witness how Philippine independence day is celebrated here in Athens. I was told that the thousands who attended was just a fraction of the more than 10,000 land-based Filipinos here. The atmosphere was one of fun and excitement, a welcome respite from their daily jobs. It was a very organized and excellent event. 


The diplomatic reception was held on June 12 at the Marriott Ledra Hotel. It was a well attended affair, with guests from the Greek Ministry of foreign Affairs and other government agencies, members of the diplomatic corps, Greek shipping companies and manning agencies, the academe, arts and culture enthusiasts. The leaders of the Filipino organizations were also present.

The highlight of the event was an exhibit of Philippine furniture and home decor set up by the embassy at the hotel foyer. It was the first time such an exhibit was set up by the Embassy. It featured antique and modern pieces from indigenous materials to show how a contemporary Filipino sala looks like. Among the showpieces admired by the guests were a bench made of antique molave wood in modern Filipino design, antique wooden chair, side table, chest (baul) and wood strip-made coffee table with Philippine map.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Aprokries, Greek Mardi Grass

Apokries is carnival time for the Greeks. It is a celebration of all ages, a tradition which lasts for three weeks before the start of Lent. It is a period  of dressing up and having fun, as the participants enter the world of fantasy. The big carnivals are usually held in Patras, Crete and Moschato. We were advised not to go to Patras at this time for 'security reasons'.

So we went to Moschato instead. Moschato is a district in the southern part of Athens. In previous years, the carnivals in Moschato was a big affair, with colorful parades and costumes. This year however, there was no parade. I asked those present why, and they said, " because of the crisis", and "no money".

There was a simple program and the children all dressed up together with their families tried to enjoy themselves. What impressed me was the smiles and the laughter, oblivious of the prevailing financial difficulty in Greece.

The Mayor reportedly invited performers for the pleasure of the children who participated in the games.

My friend and I had a great time, just looking at the children with their mothers & relatives having fun!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Tsiknopempti at Marriott

My friend and I had dinner at the the Zephyros restaurant in Marriott Ledra last Thursday, February 16. There was a buffet promo of 32 euros per person excluding drinks in celebration of Tsiknopempti. Tsiknopempti is all about eating meat: grilled, broiled, smoked as a final goodbye to meat a week before the start of Greek lent.

It was our first taste of fat Thursday. We had lamb chops, cold cuts, steak and other Greek meat dishes. The night was made more memorable by the music provided by the lovely pianist, Tzefi - Sofia.

Zephyros restaurant is spacious, clean and romantic ambiance. The buffet had other selections of delicious salads and desserts. The staff  were very nice and accomodating. It is worth going back there another time.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Greek Wine, Liqour and Food

This blog will be the start of a series of blogs on Greek wine, liqour and food. During our almost a year here in Athens i discovered wine, good sweet, dry and semi sweet wines are produced here and other Greek islands. In restaurants they serve local wines which are cheaper but taste comparably with the more expensive imported wines. And they can be in  pitchers or small glasses.

Last December my diplomat friend received several wines as
Christmas gift. So far we have tasted only three bottles at dinner time. And they leave a sweet taste in the pallate. Smooth , semi sweet wines made perfect by years of brewing.

There are also a number of local beers which are light and smooth. I like the Mythos beer, tastes like our San Miguel light.

I am now enjoying my stay here in Athens. I hope to be able to travel in more Greek islands and other cities. Greece is a beautiful place worth discovering inspite of the violent and destructive rallies and demonstrations recently.